Embola - Edu Lobo, feat. Gracinha Leporace & Quarteto 004
Octo Octa - My Body Is Powerful
Resonant Body
Vivaldi - Farnace, RV 711, Act II: Gelido in ogni vena - Nathalie Stutzmann
Contralto, A Warner Classics/Erato release, 2021
Smerz - Believer
Taken from the forthcoming album, Believer. Available February 26th on XL Recordings. https://smerz.ffm.to/believer
Harpsichordist Jean Rondeau and lutenist Thomas Dunford play the sixth movement (La Sylva, Très tendrement) from the 5th Suite of Antoine Forqueray's Pièces de viole, 32 pieces in 5 suites. Recorded at the Chapelle Notre Dame du Bon Secours in Paris on the 20th of December 2017.
Warner Classics
Hey, That's No Way to Say Goodbye - Roberta Flack
Ravens in the Northwoods / Northern Minnesota, USA
Images & sounds: Jim Brandenburg
Editing: Laurent Joffrion
nature365.tv, created by FollowFocus
Galya Bisengalieva - TULPAR (Official Music Video)
From 'EP ONE' (NOMAD Music)
Director: Nicol Vizioli
Cinematographer: Andrew Rodger
Editor: Laura Delle Piane
Music produced and mixed by Ben Corrigan
Mastered by Denis Blackham
Vivaldi - Il Grosso Mogul - Musica Alchemica - Lina Tur Bonet
Stereo Music for Serge Modular Synthesizer - Part One
Keith Fullerton Whitman
Bobby Gentry - Ode to Billy Joe