Yew - Miles Umney

Poem composed from a list of species introduced in an experimental augmentation of woodland field layers in MK in 1987 and 1988 ( as well as additional tree and butterfly species.

‘Alder Ash Beech Bellflower Betony Bird Cherry Bluebell Bramble Bugle Caucasian Wing Nut Columbine Cow Parsley Crab Apple Crack Willow Cuckoo-flower Enchanter’s Nightshade Field Maple Foxglove Garlic Mustard Giant Bellflower Greater Stitchwort St. John’s-wort Hawthorn Hazel Hedge Bedstraw Hedge Woundwort Hornbeam Ivy Lords-and-Ladies Nettle Oak Orange Tip Ornamental Pear Oxlip Pignut Primrose Ramsons Red Campion Ringlet Rowan Scots Pine Small Blue Speckled Wood Stone Parsley Swedish Whitebeam Sweet Violet Upright Hedge-parsley Wall Brown Wild Cherry Wood Avens Wood Sage Woodruff Yellow Archangel and Yew.’